11-11-17 — Thank You for Your Service

main image for 11-11-17 — Thank You for Your Service


Japanese stab



23 x 14 x 1.25 cm


EV 8


all pages are drawn or digitally printed on Classic Crest Natural White paper with inserts of UV/ Ultra II translucent paper, books are covered in military authentic spec MARPAT woodland, ACU and navy NWU digital camouflage fabric laminated with Thai Kozo paper, text is Proxima Nova with titles in Franklin Gothic extra condensed, as indicated in U.S. Army name tape regulation 670-1.

Collaborative Comic Book Project – On Veterans’ Day 2017, three artists (Paloma Lucas, Servane Briand & Daniele Archambault) invited members of the community to remember and honor veterans by participating in a collaborative comic book project. The original 90 pages of short comics, written and drawn by adults, students and children, were edited and hand-bound into an artists’ book and , a collective expression of gratitude and celebration of freedom and peace. The stories are told by people of several countries, and focus on various wars all over the world and over a span of many years. Despite their diversity of style and content, the pages were grouped into three book: Stories, Memories, and Imageries.

ebook free to download 

image 1 for 11-11-17 — Thank You for Your Service image 2 for 11-11-17 — Thank You for Your Service image 3 for 11-11-17 — Thank You for Your Service image 4 for 11-11-17 — Thank You for Your Service image 5 for 11-11-17 — Thank You for Your Service image 6 for 11-11-17 — Thank You for Your Service